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Rancangan Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Unit Hemodialisis Rumah Sakit di Jawa Timur

Non-communicable diseases (NCD) become health problems in various parts of the world. Increasing cases of non-infectious diseases is indirectly a result of a passive lifestyle change, consume food that contains a lot of fat, cholesterol,smoking, and high-stress level (Smeltzer, 2001). One of a noncommunicable disease is chronic kidney disease.Chronic kidney disease is a disorder of progressive and irreversible kidney function. Chronic kidney disease stage 5 is called End Stage Renal Disease. One of the treatments of it is Hemodialysis. In East Java, the incident a dialysis patient was 14.5 patient per one million inhabitants in 2002, 18 patient in 2004, and it was improving consecutively until 2006 (Prodjosudjadi, 2009). As the number of hemodialysis patients increases, the number of hemodialysis units also increases. Due to hemodialysis unit enhancement, monitoring and evaluation of hemodialysis should be held to the service of hemodialysis unit in proper maintenance. There are two renal replacement therapy, renal transplantation, and dialysis.Renal function can be normally and reduce medical dependence with renal transplantation. There are two dialysis, hemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). The purpose of this study was to create an application system design through processing data of Hemodialysis Unit In East Java Hospital for maintenance quality of care hemodialysis unit. This was an action research study conducted in Indonesian Society of Nephrology East Java Region. The step of design system covered from Indonesian renal registry (IRR) data, and import the data to the application. Data were collected by the in-depth interview and document study. This study showed that the quality of care hemodialysis unit hadn't done yet
before. It’s a evaluate for data support due to permit of establishing a new hemodialysis unit. Therefore, availability of the data was important for maintenance of quality of care of hemodialysis unit. The result of this study was the availability of data that used for a standard of hemodialysis unit maintenance. The formula was appearing automatically as an indicator of hemodialysis unit. The measure based on the unit of dialysis and clinical measurement performance that was HD unit characteristic, %TDS RO,
nurse/ patient ratio, machine/patient ratio, machine/nurse ratio, patient proportion, mortality rate, % HD duration, % Hb, % albumin, %Ca %P, % CaxP. The renal unit didn’t meet the standard would be shown in the application automatically with the mark.
The conclusion of this study was ongoing system analysis of the problem. The problem collected data and the redundancy data, the process of data have not optimally yet, and there were not monitoring and evaluating a system for quality of the renal unit measurement. Data needed for application were renal unit data and clinical measurement performance, system analysis design used PHP MySql with diagram context, data flow diagram, and relationship entity design. The result of application trial was simple, easy to use, and it was the first application of hemodialysis unit data process.
Umi Khoirun Nisak - Personal Name
617.461059 Nis r
Universitas Airlangga