Detail Cantuman Kembali


Macroergonomics : Theory, Methods and Applications

This book's primary objective is to provide a comprehensive coverage of ergonomics in overall work system analysis and design. It provides a summary of the historical development of macroergonomics. It explains how an understanding of macroergonomics can lead to improvements in such things as reducing work-related lost time accidents; and describes the methods and tools used in work system analysis and design. Throughout, the integrating theme is that the full potential of an organization--in terms of productivity, safety, health, and Quality of Work Life (QWL)--can't be met unless the overall work system is designed to conform with the characteristics of its technology, personnel subsystem, and the external environment upon which it depends for its survival and success. Using a sociotechnical systems approach, this text discusses the application of macroergonomics to training system development, hazard management, technology transfer, large scale organizational change projects, office and factory automation, community planning and development, and job design. For each of these applications, actual case examples will be included.

Hal. W. Hendrick - Personal Name
Brian M. Kleiner - Personal Name
620.82 Hen m
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate
New Jersey
xii, 412p.: ill.; 30 cm.