Detail Cantuman Kembali


Acupuncture in Physiotherapy

This book is written primarily for physiotherapists who use acupuncture. It moves beyond the basic theories taught by the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP)-approved tutors in the introductory courses now studied by thousands of UK physiotherapists. It is intended as both an intermediate text and an encouragement to look further than simplistic musculoskeletal pain applications for this ancient technique.

Several assumptions are made: first, that all readers will be familiar with the anatomy of the human body; second, that they will be familiar with both normal and abnormal manifestations of physiology as taught to medical professionals in the UK; and third, that they will be practising within the physiotherapy discipline although not necessarily within the National Health Service of the UK.

Much of the material in this book will serve as an introduction to the study of acupuncture at a postgraduate level where students are expected to evolve their own practice, based on a combination of the available scientific evidence, the rich clinical history of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the basic skills of their profession
Val Hopwood - Personal Name
615.82 Hop a
0 7506 5328 0
Butterworth - Heinemann
iii, 275p