Detail Cantuman Kembali


Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology: Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition

This book captures the complexities and conflicts arising at the interface of intellectual property rights (IPR) and competition law. To do so, it discusses four specific themes: (a) policies governing functioning of standard setting organizations (SSOs), transparency and incentivising future innovation; (b) issue of royalties for standard essential patents (SEPs) and related disputes; (c) due process principles, procedural fairness and best practices in competition law; and (d) coherence of patent policies and consonance with competition law to support innovation in new technologies. Many countries have formulated policies and re-oriented their economies to foster technological innovation as it is seen as a major source of economic growth. At the same time, there have been tensions between patent laws and competition laws, despite the fact that both are intended to enhance consumer welfare. In this regard, licensing of SEPs has been debated extensively, although in most instances, innovators and implementers successfully negotiate licensing of SEPs. However, there have been instances where disagreements on royalty base and royalty rates, terms of licensing, bundling of patents in licenses, pooling of licenses have arisen, and this has resulted in a surge of litigation in various jurisdictions and also drawn the attention of competition/anti-trust regulators. Further, a lingering lack of consensus among scholars, industry experts and regulators regarding solutions and techniques that are apposite in these matters across jurisdictions has added to the confusion. This book looks at the processes adopted by the competition/anti-trust regulators to apply the principles of due process and procedural fairness in investigating abuse of dominance cases against innovators.

Buku ini menangkap kompleksitas dan konflik yang muncul pada antarmuka hak kekayaan intelektual (HKI) dan hukum persaingan. Untuk melakukannya, ini membahas empat tema khusus: (a) kebijakan yang mengatur berfungsinya organisasi pembuat standar (SSO), transparansi dan mendorong inovasi masa depan; (b) penerbitan royalti untuk paten esensial standar (SEP) dan perselisihan terkait; (c) prinsip proses yang wajar, keadilan prosedural, dan praktik terbaik dalam hukum persaingan; dan (d) koherensi kebijakan paten dan kesesuaian dengan hukum persaingan untuk mendukung inovasi dalam teknologi baru. Banyak negara telah merumuskan kebijakan dan mengorientasikan kembali ekonomi mereka untuk mendorong inovasi teknologi karena dipandang sebagai sumber utama pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pada saat yang sama, terdapat ketegangan antara undang-undang paten dan undang-undang persaingan, meskipun keduanya dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan konsumen. Dalam hal ini, perizinan SEP telah diperdebatkan secara luas, meskipun dalam banyak kasus, inovator dan pelaksana berhasil menegosiasikan perizinan SEP. Namun, ada beberapa contoh di mana ketidaksepakatan atas dasar royalti dan tarif royalti, ketentuan lisensi, bundling paten dalam lisensi, penyatuan lisensi telah muncul, dan hal ini mengakibatkan gelombang litigasi di berbagai yurisdiksi dan juga menarik perhatian persaingan/regulator anti-kepercayaan. Selanjutnya, kurangnya konsensus di antara para sarjana, pakar industri, dan regulator mengenai solusi dan teknik yang tepat dalam masalah ini di seluruh yurisdiksi telah menambah kebingungan. Buku ini melihat proses yang diadopsi oleh regulator kompetisi/antitrust untuk menerapkan prinsip due process dan prosedural fairness dalam menginvestigasi kasus penyalahgunaan dominasi terhadap inovator.
Computer File
Springer Nature
350 hlm.