Detail Cantuman Kembali


New Trends in the Use of Aritificial Intelligence for the Industry 4.0

After several major famines in the 1950s and 1960s, the main focus of food and agricultural development during the next two decades was to achieve food security and prevent hunger in developing countries. These challenges spurred the Green Revolution, haracterized by the adoption of high-yielding wheat and rice varieties, which doubled or even tripled crop yields in a matter of 20 years, prevented large-scale famine, and laid down a solid foundation for the whole economy to take off. The Green Revolution and its impact on income, poverty, and malnutrition in Asia and Africa are the main focus of this Festschrift book designed to honor Prof. Keijiro Otsuka’s retirement. This volume is authored by several accomplished scholars. The book chapters cover a wide range of issues, including the Green Revolution, land tenure and sustainable management of natural resources, the transformation of rural economies, and emerging issues, such as high-value agriculture and women’s inclusion in agricultural sector growth. Although the book covers mostly Asia and Africa, it has global implications. Professor Otsuka is a pioneer of research on many issues related to agricultural development. Thus, the issues covered in the book are inspired by Prof. Otsuka’s past work. Looking toward the future, escalating and new challenges are expected, for example, climate change, regional conflict (including the current Russian-Ukraine crisis), degrading natural resource bases, persistent hunger, micronutrient deficiency, and rising overweight and obesity. These require agriculture and food systems to be transformed to tackle these challenges. The current volume will inspire many to continue looking for solutions like what this volume and Prof. Otsuka have done with regard to the Green Revolution.
Jonna P. Estudillo - Personal Name
Luis Romeral Martínez - Personal Name
216 hlm.