Detail Cantuman Kembali


Rule of Law and Human Mobility in the Age of the Global Compacts

This is a reprint of the Special Issue The Rule of Law and Human Mobility in the Age of the Global Compacts: Relativising the Risks and Gains of Soft Normativity?, which hosts nine contributions that critically dive in the normative, administrative, and judicial obstacles and potential standing of the legal framework and implementation setting of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) and the Global Compact for Refugees (GCR). The following four thematic clusters are proposed: 1. The justiciability of the actionable commitments under the Global Compacts before domestic courts as a threshold for the degree of judicial protection for migrants and refugees; 2. How human rights treaties and the Global Compacts are connected might matter for the level of rights protection; 3. Externalized migration policies and border management as a threat for the regional scope of human rights and as a risk factor for the rule of law; and 4. Data-driven and evidence-based migration policies, including digital technology as facilitators for standardizing migration and asylum decisions. By inquiring into human rights protection at the boundaries of the political commitments under the Global Compacts, this reprint engages in a conversation about the confinements that migrants and refugees encounter when accessing their substantive and procedural rights and encourages legal science/scholars to map an emerging field of study within global migration governance.

Ini adalah cetakan ulang dari Edisi Khusus The Rule of Law and Human Mobility in the Age of Global Compacts: Relativising the Risks and Gains of Soft Normativity?, yang memuat sembilan kontribusi yang secara kritis menyelami hambatan normatif, administratif, dan yudisial dan kedudukan potensial dari kerangka hukum dan pengaturan pelaksanaan Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) dan Global Compact for Refugees (GCR). Empat kluster tematik berikut diusulkan: 1. Kelayakan komitmen yang dapat ditindaklanjuti di bawah Global Compacts di hadapan pengadilan domestik sebagai ambang batas tingkat perlindungan yudisial bagi migran dan pengungsi; 2. Bagaimana perjanjian hak asasi manusia dan Global Compacts terhubung mungkin berpengaruh pada tingkat perlindungan hak; 3. Mengeksternalisasikan kebijakan migrasi dan pengelolaan perbatasan sebagai ancaman bagi hak asasi manusia lingkup regional dan sebagai faktor risiko terhadap supremasi hukum; dan 4. Kebijakan migrasi berbasis data dan berbasis bukti, termasuk teknologi digital sebagai fasilitator untuk standarisasi keputusan migrasi dan suaka. Dengan menyelidiki perlindungan hak asasi manusia di batas-batas komitmen politik di bawah Global Compacts, cetakan ulang ini terlibat dalam percakapan tentang pengurungan yang dihadapi migran dan pengungsi ketika mengakses hak substantif dan prosedural mereka dan mendorong ilmu hukum/cendekiawan untuk memetakan bidang yang sedang berkembang. studi dalam tata kelola migrasi global.
Marion Panizzon (Editor) - Personal Name
Daniela Vitiello (Editor) - Personal Name
Tamas Molnar (Editor) - Personal Name
Computer File
MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
176 hlm.