Detail Cantuman Kembali


Fostering Constitutionalism in Africa

About the publication This volume comprises a small selection of papers first presented at the 2007 African Network of Constitutional Lawyers’ conference in Nairobi. With contributions from Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Zambia, Malawi and the DRC, they cross the legal and language divides in Africa. Each paper raises issues that concern all Africans committed to good governance and human rights. They provide thought-provoking discussions of constitutional change and maintaining constitutional stability; ways of controlling the power of the executive; and who should control prosecutions, the executive or an independent body. They identify many challenges and try to chart new directions for the entrenchment of constitutionalism on the continent. All the contributions are in English and French to encourage a truly continental debate on these topical issues. This book is the first in the ‘Rule of Law in Africa’ series and the financial assistance of the World Bank is gratefully acknowledged. About the editors: Charles Fombad is Professor of law and Head of Department of Public Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria. Christina Murray is Professor of Human Rights and Constitutional Law at the University of Cape Town.
Computer File
Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)
Pretoria,South Africa
412 hlm.