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Damage to Concrete Structures

Damage to Concrete Structures is a comprehensive study conducted by Geert De Schutter, which focuses on understanding the various factors that contribute to the deterioration of concrete structures. The research aims to provide insights into the mechanisms and causes of damage, in order to develop effective strategies for prevention and mitigation. The study begins by examining the different types of damage commonly observed in concrete structures, including cracks, spalling, corrosion of reinforcement, and alkali-aggregate reactions. Various external and internal factors that influence the damage process are then explored, such as exposure to environmental conditions, design flaws, construction techniques, and material properties.
De Schutter emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying mechanisms of damage, which involve chemical, physical, and mechanical processes. Through a detailed analysis of these processes, the study highlights the critical role played by moisture, chloride ingress, carbonation, freeze-thaw cycles, and chemical attacks in causing damage to concrete. To address the challenges associated with concrete damage, the research proposes a range of preventive and remedial measures. These measures include proper design and construction practices, use of durable materials, application of protective coatings, regular inspection and maintenance, and implementation of corrosion control techniques. Furthermore, the study investigates the effectiveness of repair and rehabilitation techniques for damaged concrete structures. It evaluates various repair methods, such as crack injection, cathodic protection, and carbon fiber strengthening, and provides recommendations on their applicability based on the type and extent of damage.
Geert De Schutter - Personal Name
CRC Press