Detail Cantuman Kembali


The Encyclopedia of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Shortly before I began research for this book on alternative and complementary medicine, I informed a dear friend of the pending task. His first comment was “How many volumes?” Those three words would haunt me throughout the project. One book hardly scratches the surface; therefore my objectives were to compile up-to-date information on and explanations of as many alternative, complementary, or integrative healing methods as possible and to present them in an unbiased and accessible A-to-Z format. That numerous books on the subject—from single topics to comprehensive references—already existed, was intimidating in itself, so my contribution became embracing them all. In the precise spirit of alternative medicine, I wished to offer readable entries that would not only inform, but perhaps also inspire people to have a go at a healing method that might turn out to be effective for them but that they had never heard of before. I also wished to present the seemingly infinite possibilities for healing treatments to physicians and other healers, and introduce the diverse healers to one another.
Tova Navarra - Personal Name
Computer File
Facts on File Inc.
United States of America
303 pages